Use your powers Ma... eehm Margot.

This is my contribution to LibGDX Game Jam June 2024 with the Theme "TIME TRAVEL"

Just a small Jump'n'Run game with a twist.

Controls: W/A/D

Made with LibGDX and Kotlin

All graphics made by me (obviously) except for font by

Source Code:

Known-Issue: Because box2D is not perfectly deterministic, the replay character will sometimes not follow its exact path. Fixing this would require a redesign.


GoBack.jar 22 MB
GoBack.apk 3.8 MB

Install instructions

In order to use the jar file, Java 11 is recommended. You can run it with "java -jar GoBack.jar"


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This was great. The mechanics were exactly on point with the theme. Felt like a fully realized concept, which worked great with the puzzles you came up with and using interactions with the past version of yourself was done really well.  Great work. One of the best of the jam.

Thanks for playing and congrats on the nice score. 

This is a very good jam submission! Good theme usage, multiple levels, clever mechanics, and even a score system. Impressive!

Thanks for playing and the compliments. What I somehow totally underestimated was the level design. This additional dimension was quite overwhelming for me to create more complex and interesting levels.

Really love this game. nice character and puzzle design. nicely implemented time travel theme.

Thanks for playing. I also wanted to add some animations on the character, but it was so awful that I dropped it :') It would really like to master the pixel art look some distant day.

Nice! thanks for playing.

I love the puzzles! hard stuck on level 5 though

Thx for playing and your comment. The solution is to keep jumping with your elder self and then launch your younger self on top. It's kind of tricky to pull off because of the tight timing, though. 

Hooray! I completed it! I enjoyed the time traveling very cool game ^^


thx for playing and grats on the completion.